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Kazatomprom plans to sell its stake in Caustic JSC

31 August 2017
Kazatomprom plans to sell its stake in Caustic JSC

NAC Kazatomprom JSC announces plans to sell a 40% stake in Caustic JSC. 

The tender documentation and Notice to the open two-stage tender are posted on the web portal of NAC Kazatomprom JSC (www.kazatomprom.kz). The starting price, requested for 40% of shares, is seven billion four hundred forty million tenge.

The competitive tender will be held in accordance with the Unified Regulations for Sale and Restructuring of Samruk-Kazyna Assets and organizations, where fifty percent or more directly or indirectly belong to Samruk-Kazyna on the basis of ownership as approved by the Samruk-Kazyna Board of Directors and tender documentation, approved by the Kazatomprom Assets Sale Commission.

Acceptance of applications for the open two-stage tender shall begin on September 8 and end on September 25, 2017 at 3.00 p.m. Astana time.

Caustic JSC is a modern chemical production that meets all applicable Kazakhstan and international quality standards. The enterprise produces caustic soda (30,000 tpa), liquid chlorine (26,000 tpa), hydrochloric acid (45,000 tpa), and technical sodium hypochlorite (6,600 tpa). The plant's products are used in many sectors of economy: oil, chemical, medical, food industries, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, etc.

The sale of subsidiaries and affiliates is carried out under the Business Transformation Program, with the aim of removing non-core Kazatomprom assets and focusing the company's activities directly on the nuclear industry.

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