The long-term fundamentals of the nuclear industry remain strong, and among the various processing stages of the fuel cycle, uranium mining is set to deliver the greatest value.
Kazatomprom’s competitive edge lies within that uranium mining stage, underpinned by both our exclusive use of the in-situ recovery (ISR) mining method, which offers an unparalleled structural cost advantage and production flexibility, and by our sales structure with geographic proximity to the fastest-growing nuclear markets.
Taken together, these advantages position the company to realise significant benefits from the potential recovery of uranium prices, whilst being highly resilient to adverse market movements.
With the successful initial public offering of Kazatomprom shares on the Astana International Stock Exchange and London Stock Exchange in 2018, interested investors can now access unparalleled exposure to the front-end of the fuel cycle.
Secondary placement of additional Kazatomprom shares by the Company’s majority shareholder, Joint-Stock Company “Sovereign Wealth Fund “Samruk-Kazyna” was held in 2019 through the London Stock Exchange and the Astana International Stock Exchange. With the additional placement, the total free-float increases to about 18.8%
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