| (AIX)    USD 37   %   -2.63 KZT 19500   %   -2.01

Project information

Development of social infrastructure

Identification of key problems in the regions of operation and assistance in resolving them, as well as improving social infrastructure are important aspects of Kazatomprom’s external social strategy.

During 2023, Kazatomprom enterprises (JV KATCO LLP, MC ORTALYK LLP, Kazatomprom- SaUran LLP) implemented projects for street lighting, installation of sidewalk roads, landscaping of areas and reconstruction of alleys in the settlements of the Sozak district of the Turkestan region. 115.6​ million tenges​ were allocated for implementation of projects.

Education support

In 2023, the Company organized the SANA Information Camp to develop leadership potential for high school students in the regions where Kazatomprom operates. The main goal of the camp is to develop personal competencies and leadership qualities, as well as emotional intelligence through training and information events as part of career guidance for students. The event is aimed at popularizing technical specialties in production areas and strengthening confidence in the Kazatomprom HR brand among local residents.

In 2023, the camp was held in Sholakkorgan, Kyzemshek, Tasty villages of the Turkestan region, as well as in the Shieli village of the Kyzylorda region. In total, 440 students visited the camp from such schools as:

  • Nazir Torekulov IT school-lyceum
  • Lande Bokenov General secondary school
  • Abai General secondary school
  • Shoqan Ualikhanov Secondary school-lyceum No. 127
  • AK ORDA School-gymnasium No. 45.

Projects in the area health

The company's healthcare initiatives focus on supporting and improving the performance of healthcare facilities, as well as organizing medical examinations for children with neurological diseases.

JV KATCO LLP allocated funds for the overhaul of a medical center in Shu village, Turkestan region.

Sports support projects

Support for sports is an important area in the implementation of social projects by the Company's enterprises. JV KATCO LLP and Baiken- U LLP allocated 113.8 million tenges for projects for the construction of sports and playgrounds, a basketball court and an outdoor workout area, as well as the organization of a chess school in the regions of the Company’s presence.

Culture support projects

Projects in the field of culture cover settlements of the Kyzylorda and Turkestan regions. Baiken-U LLP provided assistance in the construction of the local history museum “Korasan Ata” in the Zhanakorgan district of the Kyzylorda region; as part of contractual obligations for subsoil use, JV Budenovskoe LLP allocated targeted funds for the construction of a House of Culture for 75 places for the Suzak district of the Turkestan region. The total costs for these projects amounted to 109.7 million tenges.


The company actively participates in social support, providing targeted assistance to those in need, promoting the implementation of socially significant projects and involving employees and active citizens in solving social problems in the regions.

In 2023, many projects were launched, including the provision of financial assistance to socially vulnerable segments of the population in the form of: the purchase of coal, food baskets, school supplies, New Year's gifts, as well as a number of other socially significant initiatives.

Kazatomprom pays special attention to supporting veterans and retirees - former employees of the Company. In honor of Victory Day, the nuclear holding enterprises annually hold events to honor veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers: presenting gifts and providing necessary assistance.

The total amount in this area for 2023 is 231.3 million tenges.

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