APPPATH/views/sitemap/index.php [ 218 ]
213 </a> -->
218 <? foreach ($slider as $item): ?>
219 <a href="<?php echo $item->link ?>" target="_blank">
220 <div class="main-slider__slide slide1" style="background-image: url(<?= $item->image_s->html_img_url(1500) ?>);">
221 <div class="container">
222 <div class="slide1__header"><span><?= $item->title ?></span></div>
223 <div class="slide1__descr"><span><?= $item->description ?></span></div>
APPPATH/views/sitemap/index.php [ 218 ] » Kohana_Core::error_handler(arguments)
integer 8
string(26) "Undefined variable: slider"
string(60) "/home/"
integer 218
array(17) ( "kohana_view_filename" => string(60) "/home/" "kohana_view_data" => array(1) ( "collection" => object Database_Result_Cached(6)
{ protected _query => string(497) "SELECT `sitemap`.`id` AS `id`, `sitemap`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `sitemap`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, `sitemap`.`title_kz` AS ` …" protected _result => array(7) ( 0 => object Model_Sitemap(47)
) "collection" => object Database_Result_Cached(6){ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(9) "О нас" "title_en" => string(8) "About us" "title_kz" => string(19) "Біз туралы" "link" => string(10) "page/o_nas" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-22 16:46:05" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-02-12 16:33:23" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(9) "О нас" "title_en" => string(8) "About us" "title_kz" => string(19) "Біз туралы" "link" => string(10) "page/o_nas" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-22 16:46:05" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-02-12 16:33:23" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
1 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "13" "title_ru" => string(37) "Устойчивое развитие" "title_en" => string(23) "Sustainable development" "title_kz" => string(23) "Тұрақты даму" "link" => string(25) "page/ustoichivoe_razvitie" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:25:02" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:23:00" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "13" "title_ru" => string(37) "Устойчивое развитие" "title_en" => string(23) "Sustainable development" "title_kz" => string(23) "Тұрақты даму" "link" => string(25) "page/ustoichivoe_razvitie" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:25:02" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:23:00" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "13" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
2 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "18" "title_ru" => string(33) "Виды деятельности" "title_en" => string(8) "Activity" "title_kz" => string(12) "Қызмет" "link" => string(22) "page/vidi_deyatelnosti" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:28:07" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:21:39" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "18" "title_ru" => string(33) "Виды деятельности" "title_en" => string(8) "Activity" "title_kz" => string(12) "Қызмет" "link" => string(22) "page/vidi_deyatelnosti" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:28:07" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:21:39" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "18" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
3 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "25" "title_ru" => string(18) "Инвесторы" "title_en" => string(9) "Investors" "title_kz" => string(22) "Инвесторлар" "link" => string(9) "investors" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:31:22" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:29:59" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "25" "title_ru" => string(18) "Инвесторы" "title_en" => string(9) "Investors" "title_kz" => string(22) "Инвесторлар" "link" => string(9) "investors" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:31:22" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:29:59" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "25" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
4 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "35" "title_ru" => string(10) "Медиа" "title_en" => string(5) "Media" "title_kz" => string(10) "Медиа" "link" => string(5) "media" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:38:13" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:28:09" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "35" "title_ru" => string(10) "Медиа" "title_en" => string(5) "Media" "title_kz" => string(10) "Медиа" "link" => string(5) "media" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:38:13" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:28:09" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "35" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
5 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "39" "title_ru" => string(14) "Закупки" "title_en" => string(0) "" "title_kz" => string(23) "Сатып алулар" "link" => string(8) "purchase" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "0" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:43:09" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:29:32" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "39" "title_ru" => string(14) "Закупки" "title_en" => string(0) "" "title_kz" => string(23) "Сатып алулар" "link" => string(8) "purchase" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "0" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:43:09" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:29:32" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "39" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
6 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "47" "title_ru" => string(14) "Карьера" "title_en" => string(6) "Career" "title_kz" => string(12) "Мансап" "link" => string(30) "" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:52:04" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-07-29 17:43:24" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "47" "title_ru" => string(14) "Карьера" "title_en" => string(6) "Career" "title_kz" => string(12) "Мансап" "link" => string(30) "" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:52:04" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-07-29 17:43:24" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "47" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
) protected _total_rows => integer 7 protected _current_row => integer 0 protected _as_object => string(13) "Model_Sitemap" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _query => string(497) "SELECT `sitemap`.`id` AS `id`, `sitemap`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `sitemap`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, `sitemap`.`title_kz` AS ` …" protected _result => array(7) ( 0 => object Model_Sitemap(47)
"errors" => array(0) "page" => object Cms_Page(6){ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(9) "О нас" "title_en" => string(8) "About us" "title_kz" => string(19) "Біз туралы" "link" => string(10) "page/o_nas" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-22 16:46:05" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-02-12 16:33:23" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(9) "О нас" "title_en" => string(8) "About us" "title_kz" => string(19) "Біз туралы" "link" => string(10) "page/o_nas" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-22 16:46:05" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-02-12 16:33:23" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
1 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL 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string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "13" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
2 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "18" "title_ru" => string(33) "Виды деятельности" "title_en" => string(8) "Activity" "title_kz" => string(12) "Қызмет" "link" => string(22) "page/vidi_deyatelnosti" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:28:07" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:21:39" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "18" "title_ru" => string(33) "Виды деятельности" "title_en" => string(8) "Activity" "title_kz" => string(12) "Қызмет" "link" => string(22) "page/vidi_deyatelnosti" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:28:07" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:21:39" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "18" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
3 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "25" "title_ru" => string(18) "Инвесторы" "title_en" => string(9) "Investors" "title_kz" => string(22) "Инвесторлар" "link" => string(9) "investors" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:31:22" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:29:59" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "25" "title_ru" => string(18) "Инвесторы" "title_en" => string(9) "Investors" "title_kz" => string(22) "Инвесторлар" "link" => string(9) "investors" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:31:22" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:29:59" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "25" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
4 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "35" "title_ru" => string(10) "Медиа" "title_en" => string(5) "Media" "title_kz" => string(10) "Медиа" "link" => string(5) "media" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:38:13" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:28:09" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "35" "title_ru" => string(10) "Медиа" "title_en" => string(5) "Media" "title_kz" => string(10) "Медиа" "link" => string(5) "media" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:38:13" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:28:09" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "35" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
5 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "39" "title_ru" => string(14) "Закупки" "title_en" => string(0) "" "title_kz" => string(23) "Сатып алулар" "link" => string(8) "purchase" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "0" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:43:09" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:29:32" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "39" "title_ru" => string(14) "Закупки" "title_en" => string(0) "" "title_kz" => string(23) "Сатып алулар" "link" => string(8) "purchase" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "0" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:43:09" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:29:32" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "39" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
6 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "47" "title_ru" => string(14) "Карьера" "title_en" => string(6) "Career" "title_kz" => string(12) "Мансап" "link" => string(30) "" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:52:04" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-07-29 17:43:24" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "47" "title_ru" => string(14) "Карьера" "title_en" => string(6) "Career" "title_kz" => string(12) "Мансап" "link" => string(30) "" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:52:04" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-07-29 17:43:24" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "47" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
) protected _total_rows => integer 7 protected _current_row => integer 0 protected _as_object => string(13) "Model_Sitemap" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
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"user" => NULL "is_mobile" => bool FALSE "cotirovki" => string(120) " USD 36.96 %0 KZT 18065 %0 " "contacts" => object Model_Contact(47){ protected _file => string(60) "/home/" protected _data => array(1) ( "collection" => object Database_Result_Cached(6)
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string(19) "2018-12-22 16:46:05" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-02-12 16:33:23" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => 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"select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
1 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
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string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "13" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
2 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL 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"Қызмет" "link" => string(22) "page/vidi_deyatelnosti" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:28:07" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:21:39" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "18" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
3 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "25" "title_ru" => string(18) "Инвесторы" "title_en" => string(9) "Investors" "title_kz" => string(22) "Инвесторлар" "link" => string(9) "investors" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:31:22" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:29:59" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "25" "title_ru" => string(18) "Инвесторы" "title_en" => string(9) "Investors" "title_kz" => string(22) "Инвесторлар" "link" => string(9) "investors" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:31:22" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:29:59" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "25" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
4 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "35" "title_ru" => string(10) "Медиа" "title_en" => string(5) "Media" "title_kz" => string(10) "Медиа" "link" => string(5) "media" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:38:13" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:28:09" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "35" "title_ru" => string(10) "Медиа" "title_en" => string(5) "Media" "title_kz" => string(10) "Медиа" "link" => string(5) "media" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:38:13" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:28:09" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "35" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
5 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "39" "title_ru" => string(14) "Закупки" "title_en" => string(0) "" "title_kz" => string(23) "Сатып алулар" "link" => string(8) "purchase" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "0" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:43:09" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:29:32" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "39" "title_ru" => string(14) "Закупки" "title_en" => string(0) "" "title_kz" => string(23) "Сатып алулар" "link" => string(8) "purchase" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "0" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:43:09" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:29:32" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "39" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
6 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "47" "title_ru" => string(14) "Карьера" "title_en" => string(6) "Career" "title_kz" => string(12) "Мансап" "link" => string(30) "" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:52:04" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-07-29 17:43:24" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "47" "title_ru" => string(14) "Карьера" "title_en" => string(6) "Career" "title_kz" => string(12) "Мансап" "link" => string(30) "" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 18:52:04" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-07-29 17:43:24" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "47" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
) protected _total_rows => integer 7 protected _current_row => integer 0 protected _as_object => string(13) "Model_Sitemap" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(8) "contacts" protected _list_title => string(16) "Контакты" protected _route => string(8) "contacts" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Contact" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(3) ( "file_s" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(4) "file" "model" => string(7) "Storage" ) "og_file_s" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(7) "og_file" "model" => string(7) "Storage" ) "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Contact" ) ) protected _has_many => array(2) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Contact" ) "images" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(10) "contact_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "image_id" "model" => string(13) "Contact_Image" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(37) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(16) "Контакты" "title_en" => string(8) "Contacts" "title_kz" => string(22) "Байланыстар" "phone1" => NULL "phone2" => NULL "email" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-11-30 13:37:49" "updated_at" => string(19) "2023-04-10 16:36:31" "address_ru" => NULL "address_en" => NULL "address_kz" => NULL "sef" => string(8) "contacts" "description_ru" => string(1601) "<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>ГОРЯЧАЯ ЛИНИЯ<br /> (линия конфиденциального информирования)</strong><br /> <br />   …" "description_en" => string(1063) "<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>HOTLINE<br /> (confidential informing line)</strong><br /> <br /> NA …" "description_kz" => string(1567) "<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>ЖЕДЕЛ ЖЕЛІ<br /> құпия ақпарат беру желісі</strong><br /> <br /> Қазатомөн …" "parent_id" => NULL "meta_title_ru" => string(0) "" "meta_title_en" => string(0) "" "meta_title_kz" => string(0) "" "meta_description_ru" => string(0) "" "meta_description_en" => string(0) "" "meta_description_kz" => string(0) "" "meta_keywords_ru" => string(0) "" "meta_keywords_en" => string(0) "" "meta_keywords_kz" => string(0) "" "og_title_ru" => string(16) "Контакты" "og_title_en" => string(0) "" "og_title_kz" => string(0) "" "og_description_ru" => string(0) "" "og_description_en" => string(0) "" "og_description_kz" => string(0) "" "og_file" => string(5) "15426" "lat" => NULL "lng" => NULL "city" => NULL ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(37) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(16) "Контакты" "title_en" => string(8) "Contacts" "title_kz" => string(22) "Байланыстар" "phone1" => NULL "phone2" => NULL "email" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-11-30 13:37:49" "updated_at" => string(19) "2023-04-10 16:36:31" "address_ru" => NULL "address_en" => NULL "address_kz" => NULL "sef" => string(8) "contacts" "description_ru" => string(1601) "<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>ГОРЯЧАЯ ЛИНИЯ<br /> (линия конфиденциального информирования)</strong><br /> <br />   …" "description_en" => string(1063) "<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>HOTLINE<br /> (confidential informing line)</strong><br /> <br /> NA …" "description_kz" => string(1567) "<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>ЖЕДЕЛ ЖЕЛІ<br /> құпия ақпарат беру желісі</strong><br /> <br /> Қазатомөн …" "parent_id" => NULL "meta_title_ru" => string(0) "" "meta_title_en" => string(0) "" "meta_title_kz" => string(0) "" "meta_description_ru" => string(0) "" "meta_description_en" => string(0) "" "meta_description_kz" => string(0) "" "meta_keywords_ru" => string(0) "" "meta_keywords_en" => string(0) "" "meta_keywords_kz" => string(0) "" "og_title_ru" => string(16) "Контакты" "og_title_en" => string(0) "" "og_title_kz" => string(0) "" "og_description_ru" => string(0) "" "og_description_en" => string(0) "" "og_description_kz" => string(0) "" "og_file" => string(5) "15426" "lat" => NULL "lng" => NULL "city" => NULL ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => 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=> bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "size" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(4) "size" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "type" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "type" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "links" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(5) "links" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "created" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "updated" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "original_name" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(13) "original_name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "dir" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "dir" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "tags" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(4) "tags" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_new" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(6) "is_new" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "metadata" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(8) "metadata" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "setting" protected _object_plural => string(8) "settings" protected _table_columns => array(18) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "description_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(14) "description_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "description_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(14) "description_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "description_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(14) "description_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "keywords_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "keywords_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "keywords_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "keywords_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "keywords_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "keywords_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "facebook" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "facebook" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "twitter" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "twitter" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "youtube" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "youtube" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "linkedin" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "linkedin" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sef" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "sef" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 17 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "og_image" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "og_image" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 18 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "storage" }{ }
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protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "setting" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _query => string(626) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _result => array(7) ( 0 => object Model_Menu(47)
"menu_bottom" => object Database_Result_Cached(6){ protected _table_name => string(4) "menu" protected _route => string(4) "menu" protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _parent_model => string(4) "Menu" protected _list_title => string(21) "Пункты меню" protected _edit_title => string(0) "" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(16) ( "id" => string(1) "2" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(9) "О нас" "title_en" => string(8) "About us" "title_kz" => string(19) "Біз туралы" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(10) "page/o_nas" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-11-14 17:15:25" "updated_at" => string(19) "2018-12-14 18:32:19" "position" => string(1) "0" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => NULL "link_en" => NULL ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(16) ( "id" => string(1) "2" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(9) "О нас" "title_en" => string(8) "About us" "title_kz" => string(19) "Біз туралы" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(10) "page/o_nas" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-11-14 17:15:25" "updated_at" => string(19) "2018-12-14 18:32:19" "position" => string(1) "0" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => NULL "link_en" => NULL ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "menu" protected _object_plural => string(5) "menus" protected _table_columns => array(16) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sef" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "sef" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "position" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "position" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "2" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
1 => object Model_Menu(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "menu" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(4) "menu" protected _route => string(4) "menu" protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _parent_model => string(4) "Menu" protected _list_title => string(21) "Пункты меню" protected _edit_title => string(0) "" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(16) ( "id" => string(1) "6" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(37) "Устойчивое развитие" "title_en" => string(23) "Sustainable development" "title_kz" => string(23) "Тұрақты даму" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(50) "" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-11-26 02:01:11" "updated_at" => string(19) "2023-12-14 10:13:58" "position" => string(1) "1" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => string(50) "" "link_en" => string(50) "" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(16) ( "id" => string(1) "6" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(37) "Устойчивое развитие" "title_en" => string(23) "Sustainable development" "title_kz" => string(23) "Тұрақты даму" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(50) "" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-11-26 02:01:11" "updated_at" => string(19) "2023-12-14 10:13:58" "position" => string(1) "1" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => string(50) "" "link_en" => string(50) "" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "menu" protected _object_plural => string(5) "menus" protected _table_columns => array(16) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sef" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "sef" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "position" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "position" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "6" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
2 => object Model_Menu(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "menu" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(4) "menu" protected _route => string(4) "menu" protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _parent_model => string(4) "Menu" protected _list_title => string(21) "Пункты меню" protected _edit_title => string(0) "" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(16) ( "id" => string(1) "5" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(33) "Виды деятельности" "title_en" => string(13) "Our business " "title_kz" => string(12) "Қызмет" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(22) "page/vidi_deyatelnosti" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-11-26 02:30:49" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-04-15 16:34:55" "position" => string(1) "2" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => NULL "link_en" => NULL ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(16) ( "id" => string(1) "5" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(33) "Виды деятельности" "title_en" => string(13) "Our business " "title_kz" => string(12) "Қызмет" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(22) "page/vidi_deyatelnosti" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-11-26 02:30:49" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-04-15 16:34:55" "position" => string(1) "2" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => NULL "link_en" => NULL ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "menu" protected _object_plural => string(5) "menus" protected _table_columns => array(16) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sef" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "sef" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "position" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "position" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "5" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
3 => object Model_Menu(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "menu" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(4) "menu" protected _route => string(4) "menu" protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _parent_model => string(4) "Menu" protected _list_title => string(21) "Пункты меню" protected _edit_title => string(0) "" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(16) ( "id" => string(1) "7" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(18) "Инвесторы" "title_en" => string(9) "Investors" "title_kz" => string(22) "Инвесторлар" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(49) "" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-11-09 15:27:09" "updated_at" => string(19) "2023-12-14 10:12:58" "position" => string(1) "3" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => string(49) "" "link_en" => string(49) "" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(16) ( "id" => string(1) "7" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(18) "Инвесторы" "title_en" => string(9) "Investors" "title_kz" => string(22) "Инвесторлар" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(49) "" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-11-09 15:27:09" "updated_at" => string(19) "2023-12-14 10:12:58" "position" => string(1) "3" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => string(49) "" "link_en" => string(49) "" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "menu" protected _object_plural => string(5) "menus" protected _table_columns => array(16) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sef" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "sef" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "position" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "position" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "7" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
4 => object Model_Menu(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "menu" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(4) "menu" protected _route => string(4) "menu" protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _parent_model => string(4) "Menu" protected _list_title => string(21) "Пункты меню" protected _edit_title => string(0) "" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(16) ( "id" => string(1) "8" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(10) "Медиа" "title_en" => string(5) "Media" "title_kz" => string(10) "Медиа" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(6) "/media" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-11-09 15:27:17" "updated_at" => string(19) "2023-12-04 14:54:42" "position" => string(1) "4" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => NULL "link_en" => NULL ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(16) ( "id" => string(1) "8" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(10) "Медиа" "title_en" => string(5) "Media" "title_kz" => string(10) "Медиа" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(6) "/media" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-11-09 15:27:17" "updated_at" => string(19) "2023-12-04 14:54:42" "position" => string(1) "4" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => NULL "link_en" => NULL ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "menu" protected _object_plural => string(5) "menus" protected _table_columns => array(16) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sef" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "sef" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "position" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "position" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "8" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
5 => object Model_Menu(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "menu" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(4) "menu" protected _route => string(4) "menu" protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _parent_model => string(4) "Menu" protected _list_title => string(21) "Пункты меню" protected _edit_title => string(0) "" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(16) ( "id" => string(2) "10" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(14) "Карьера" "title_en" => string(6) "Career" "title_kz" => string(12) "Мансап" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(30) "" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-11-26 02:35:30" "updated_at" => string(19) "2024-01-05 10:04:58" "position" => string(2) "11" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => string(30) "" "link_en" => string(30) "" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(16) ( "id" => string(2) "10" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(14) "Карьера" "title_en" 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string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sef" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "sef" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "position" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "position" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "10" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
6 => object Model_Menu(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "menu" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(4) "menu" protected _route => string(4) "menu" protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _parent_model => string(4) "Menu" protected _list_title => string(21) "Пункты меню" protected _edit_title => string(0) "" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(16) ( "id" => string(3) "125" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(35) "Социальные проекты" "title_en" => string(15) "Social projects" "title_kz" => string(35) "Әлеуметтік жобалар" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(21) "/page/social_projects" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2024-07-03 14:37:46" "updated_at" => string(19) "2024-07-03 14:38:20" "position" => string(2) "15" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => string(21) "/page/social_projects" "link_en" => string(21) "/page/social_projects" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(16) ( "id" => string(3) "125" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(35) "Социальные проекты" "title_en" => string(15) "Social projects" "title_kz" => string(35) "Әлеуметтік жобалар" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(21) "/page/social_projects" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2024-07-03 14:37:46" "updated_at" => string(19) "2024-07-03 14:38:20" "position" => string(2) "15" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => string(21) "/page/social_projects" "link_en" => string(21) "/page/social_projects" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "menu" protected _object_plural => string(5) "menus" protected _table_columns => array(16) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sef" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "sef" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "position" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "position" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(3) "125" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
) protected _total_rows => integer 7 protected _current_row => integer 7 protected _as_object => string(10) "Model_Menu" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "menu" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _query => string(626) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _result => array(6) ( 0 => object Model_Menu(47)
"investor_info" => object Model_Investor(47){ protected _table_name => string(4) "menu" protected _route => string(4) "menu" protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _parent_model => string(4) "Menu" protected _list_title => string(21) "Пункты меню" protected _edit_title => string(0) "" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(16) ( "id" => string(2) "64" "parent_id" => string(1) "3" "title_ru" => string(9) "О нас" "title_en" => string(8) "About us" "title_kz" => string(19) "Біз туралы" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(11) "/page/o_nas" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-27 11:52:35" "updated_at" => string(19) "2018-12-27 12:01:45" "position" => string(1) "0" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => NULL "link_en" => NULL ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(16) ( "id" => string(2) "64" "parent_id" => string(1) "3" "title_ru" => string(9) "О нас" "title_en" => string(8) "About us" "title_kz" => string(19) "Біз туралы" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(11) "/page/o_nas" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-27 11:52:35" "updated_at" => string(19) "2018-12-27 12:01:45" "position" => string(1) "0" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => NULL "link_en" => NULL ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "menu" protected _object_plural => string(5) "menus" protected _table_columns => array(16) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sef" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "sef" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "position" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "position" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "64" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
1 => object Model_Menu(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "menu" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(4) "menu" protected _route => string(4) "menu" protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _parent_model => string(4) "Menu" protected _list_title => string(21) "Пункты меню" protected _edit_title => string(0) "" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(16) ( "id" => string(2) "65" "parent_id" => string(1) "3" "title_ru" => string(37) "Устойчивое развитие" "title_en" => string(23) "Sustainable development" "title_kz" => string(23) "Тұрақты даму" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(46) "!" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-27 11:53:12" "updated_at" => string(19) "2023-02-15 17:31:18" "position" => string(1) "1" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => NULL "link_en" => NULL ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(16) ( "id" => string(2) "65" "parent_id" => string(1) "3" "title_ru" => string(37) "Устойчивое развитие" "title_en" => string(23) "Sustainable development" "title_kz" => string(23) "Тұрақты даму" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(46) "!" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-27 11:53:12" "updated_at" => string(19) "2023-02-15 17:31:18" "position" => string(1) "1" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => NULL "link_en" => NULL ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "menu" protected _object_plural => string(5) "menus" protected _table_columns => array(16) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sef" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "sef" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "position" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "position" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "65" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
2 => object Model_Menu(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "menu" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(4) "menu" protected _route => string(4) "menu" protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _parent_model => string(4) "Menu" protected _list_title => string(21) "Пункты меню" protected _edit_title => string(0) "" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(16) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "parent_id" => string(1) "3" "title_ru" => string(33) "Виды деятельности" "title_en" => string(12) "Our business" "title_kz" => string(12) "Қызмет" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(22) "page/vidi_deyatelnosti" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-11-01 22:20:57" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-08-12 17:13:11" "position" => string(1) "2" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => NULL "link_en" => NULL ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(16) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "parent_id" => string(1) "3" "title_ru" => string(33) "Виды деятельности" "title_en" => string(12) "Our business" "title_kz" => string(12) "Қызмет" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(22) "page/vidi_deyatelnosti" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-11-01 22:20:57" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-08-12 17:13:11" "position" => string(1) "2" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => NULL "link_en" => NULL ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "menu" protected _object_plural => string(5) "menus" protected _table_columns => array(16) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sef" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "sef" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "position" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "position" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "4" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
3 => object Model_Menu(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "menu" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(4) "menu" protected _route => string(4) "menu" protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _parent_model => string(4) "Menu" protected _list_title => string(21) "Пункты меню" protected _edit_title => string(0) "" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(16) ( "id" => string(2) "66" "parent_id" => string(1) "3" "title_ru" => string(18) "Инвесторы" "title_en" => string(9) "Investors" "title_kz" => string(22) "Инвесторлар" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(9) "investors" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-27 11:54:00" "updated_at" => string(19) "2018-12-27 12:04:09" "position" => string(1) "3" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => NULL "link_en" => NULL ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(16) ( "id" => string(2) "66" "parent_id" => string(1) "3" "title_ru" => string(18) "Инвесторы" "title_en" => string(9) "Investors" "title_kz" => string(22) "Инвесторлар" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(9) "investors" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-27 11:54:00" "updated_at" => string(19) "2018-12-27 12:04:09" "position" => string(1) "3" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => NULL "link_en" => NULL ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "menu" protected _object_plural => string(5) "menus" protected _table_columns => array(16) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sef" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "sef" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "position" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "position" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "66" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
4 => object Model_Menu(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "menu" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(4) "menu" protected _route => string(4) "menu" protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _parent_model => string(4) "Menu" protected _list_title => string(21) "Пункты меню" protected _edit_title => string(0) "" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(4) "Menu" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(16) ( "id" => string(2) "67" "parent_id" => string(1) "3" "title_ru" => string(10) "Медиа" "title_en" => string(5) "Media" "title_kz" => string(10) "Медиа" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(5) "media" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-27 11:54:30" "updated_at" => string(19) "2018-12-27 12:04:30" "position" => string(1) "4" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => NULL "link_en" => NULL ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(16) ( "id" => string(2) "67" "parent_id" => string(1) "3" "title_ru" => string(10) "Медиа" "title_en" => string(5) "Media" "title_kz" => string(10) "Медиа" "sef" => NULL "link_ru" => string(5) "media" "is_active" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-27 11:54:30" "updated_at" => string(19) "2018-12-27 12:04:30" "position" => string(1) "4" "hide_ru" => NULL "hide_en" => NULL "hide_kz" => NULL "link_kz" => NULL "link_en" => NULL ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "menu" protected _object_plural => string(5) "menus" protected _table_columns => array(16) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sef" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "sef" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "position" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(8) "position" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "67" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
5 => object Model_Menu(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "menu" }{ }
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"select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "hide_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "hide_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(7) "link_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "68" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
) protected _total_rows => integer 6 protected _current_row => integer 0 protected _as_object => string(10) "Model_Menu" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
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"" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_description_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(19) "meta_description_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 21 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_keywords_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(16) "meta_keywords_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 22 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_keywords_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(16) "meta_keywords_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 23 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_keywords_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(16) "meta_keywords_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 24 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "og_title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "og_title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 25 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "og_title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "og_title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 26 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "og_title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "og_title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 27 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "og_description_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(17) "og_description_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 28 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "og_description_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(17) "og_description_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 29 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "og_description_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(17) "og_description_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 30 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "og_file" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "og_file" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 31 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "page_style" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "page_style" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 32 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_in_parent" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(14) "show_in_parent" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 33 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_wide" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "is_wide" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 34 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "45" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
"langs" => array(3) ( "kz" => array(2) ( "title" => string(6) "қаз" "uri" => string(2) "kz" ) "ru" => array(2) ( "title" => string(6) "рус" "uri" => string(2) "ru" ) "en" => array(2) ( "title" => string(3) "eng" "uri" => string(2) "en" ) ) "modern_urls" => array(3) ( "ru" => string(146) " …" "kz" => string(137) " …" "en" => string(158) " …" ) "minEnergyUrls" => array(3) ( "ru" => integer 1 "kz" => integer 2 "en" => integer 3 ) "expo" => array(3) ( "ru" => integer 5 "kz" => integer 5 "en" => integer 5 ) ){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "investor" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }213 </a> --> 214 215 216 217 218 <? foreach ($slider as $item): ?> 219 <a href="<?php echo $item->link ?>" target="_blank"> 220 <div class="main-slider__slide slide1" style="background-image: url(<?= $item->image_s->html_img_url(1500) ?>);"> 221 <div class="container"> 222 <div class="slide1__header"><span><?= $item->title ?></span></div> 223 <div class="slide1__descr"><span><?= $item->description ?></span></div>
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 62 ] » include(arguments)
string(60) "/home/"
57 ob_start(); 58 59 try 60 { 61 // Load the view within the current scope 62 include $kohana_view_filename; 63 } 64 catch (Exception $e) 65 { 66 // Delete the output buffer 67 ob_end_clean();
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 359 ] » Kohana_View::capture(arguments)
string(60) "/home/"
array(1) ( "collection" => object Database_Result_Cached(6)
{ protected _query => string(497) "SELECT `sitemap`.`id` AS `id`, `sitemap`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `sitemap`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, `sitemap`.`title_kz` AS ` …" protected _result => array(7) ( 0 => object Model_Sitemap(47)
{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(9) "О нас" "title_en" => string(8) "About us" "title_kz" => string(19) "Біз туралы" "link" => string(10) "page/o_nas" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-22 16:46:05" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-02-12 16:33:23" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "title_ru" => string(9) "О нас" "title_en" => string(8) "About us" "title_kz" => string(19) "Біз туралы" "link" => string(10) "page/o_nas" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-22 16:46:05" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-02-12 16:33:23" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
1 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "13" "title_ru" => string(37) "Устойчивое развитие" "title_en" => string(23) "Sustainable development" "title_kz" => string(23) "Тұрақты даму" "link" => string(25) "page/ustoichivoe_razvitie" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:25:02" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:23:00" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "13" "title_ru" => string(37) "Устойчивое развитие" "title_en" => string(23) "Sustainable development" "title_kz" => string(23) "Тұрақты даму" "link" => string(25) "page/ustoichivoe_razvitie" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:25:02" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:23:00" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "13" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
2 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "18" "title_ru" => string(33) "Виды деятельности" "title_en" => string(8) "Activity" "title_kz" => string(12) "Қызмет" "link" => string(22) "page/vidi_deyatelnosti" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:28:07" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:21:39" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "18" "title_ru" => string(33) "Виды деятельности" "title_en" => string(8) "Activity" "title_kz" => string(12) "Қызмет" "link" => string(22) "page/vidi_deyatelnosti" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:28:07" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:21:39" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "18" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
3 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "25" "title_ru" => string(18) "Инвесторы" "title_en" => string(9) "Investors" "title_kz" => string(22) "Инвесторлар" "link" => string(9) "investors" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:31:22" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:29:59" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "25" "title_ru" => string(18) "Инвесторы" "title_en" => string(9) "Investors" "title_kz" => string(22) "Инвесторлар" "link" => string(9) "investors" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19) "2018-12-24 14:31:22" "updated_at" => string(19) "2019-03-28 00:29:59" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _object_plural => string(8) "sitemaps" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_ru" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_en" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title_kz" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "title_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "link" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "link" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_active" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(9) "is_active" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_ru" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_ru" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_kz" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_kz" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "show_en" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(7) "show_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "created_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "created_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "updated_at" => array(9) ( "column_name" => string(10) "updated_at" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(29) "on update current_timestamp()" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "25" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_PDO_MySQL(5)
4 => object Model_Sitemap(47){ protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(628) "SELECT `menu`.`id` AS `id`, `menu`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `menu`.`title_ru` AS `title_ru`, `menu`.`title_en` AS `title_en`, …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object PDO(0)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "sitemap" }{ }
protected _config => array(4) ( "type" => string(9) "PDO_MySQL" "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(7) "sitemap" protected _list_title => string(21) "Карта сайта" protected _route => string(7) "sitemap" protected _parent_model => string(7) "Sitemap" protected _created_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "created_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _updated_column => array(2) ( "column" => string(10) "updated_at" "format" => string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) protected _belongs_to => array(1) ( "parent" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) protected _has_many => array(1) ( "children" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(9) "parent_id" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(8) "child_id" "model" => string(7) "Sitemap" ) ) public _default_values => array(0) protected _parent_field => string(9) "parent_id" protected _edit_title => NULL protected _default_lang => string(2) "ru" protected _need_log => bool FALSE protected _action_type => NULL public search_columns_number => integer 4 protected _deffered_values => array(0) protected _partial_models => array(0) public pagination => NULL protected _has_one => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "35" "title_ru" => string(10) "Медиа" "title_en" => string(5) "Media" "title_kz" => string(10) "Медиа" "link" => string(5) "media" "parent_id" => NULL "is_active" => string(1) "1" "show_ru" => string(1) "1" "show_kz" => string(1) "1" "show_en" => string(1) "1" "created_at" => string(19)