Kazatomprom considers sustainable development as an integral part of its activities and one of the key factors for ensuring sustainable growth of shareholder value, improving competitiveness and creating added value in the long term for the benefit of all stakeholders through active management of economic, social and environmental impacts.
Sustainable Development Principles
As part of its activities, the Company seeks to comply with and demonstrate the principles of responsible and sustainable development and takes steps to implement the following principles of sustainable development in key aspects of its activities:
The Company is open to meetings, discussions and dialogue and strives to build long-term cooperation with stakeholders, based on the consideration of mutual interests, respect for rights and balance between the interests of the Company and stakeholders.
The Company is aware of its accountability for the economic impact, the environment and society and seeks to minimize the negative impact of its activities on the environment and society by taking care of resources, consistent reduction of emissions, waste, and the introduction of high-performance, energy and resource-saving technologies.
The Company strives to ensure that the activities and decisions of the Company are clear and transparent to stakeholders. The Company timely discloses information in a timely manner, provided for by law and internal documents, taking into account standards for the protection of confidential information.
The decisions and actions of the Company are based on such values as respect, honesty, openness, team spirit and trust, honesty and justice.
The Company respects the rights and interests of stakeholders that result from legislation, agreements, or arising in the framework of business relationships.
Decisions, actions and behaviours of the Company comply with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and decisions of the governing bodies of the Company.
The Company respects and promotes the respect for human rights provided for by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international documents, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The Company declares its absolute intolerance of corruption in all its manifestations in cooperation with all stakeholders.
The Company is aware that serious violations related to conflicts of interest may damage the Company's reputation and undermine the trust of shareholders and other stakeholders. When interacting with partners and stakeholders, the Company strives to act as honestly and in good faith, being as fair as possible, and takes measures to prevent, identify and eliminate conflicts of interest in order to ensure the impartial performance of its obligations by the managers and employees of the Company.
Each of the Company's employees contributes to the implementation of the principles of sustainable development in their actions, behaviours and when making decisions; officials and employees holding managerial positions should, by their own example, motivate the implementation of the principles of sustainable development.