| (AIX)    USD 36.96   %0      KZT 18065   %0     

Sustainable development

The Company respects human rights and freedoms in accordance with generally recognized principles and norms of international law and the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Company shares the following general principles:

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • The UN Global Compact on Human Rights, Labour Relations, Anti-Corruption and Environmental Protection;

The Company does not permit any discrimination on the basis of nationality, gender, origin, age and other grounds and restriction of employees in labor rights and freedoms. The company does not restrict the rights of employees to create or join public organizations that represent their interests. Employees can engage in any political, educational, charitable or social activity, as long as it does not affect the performance of official duties, and also does not harm the community.

The Company’s principles in the observance of human rights are reflected in its internal regulatory documents governing standards of working conditions, business ethics, social responsibility, as well as the professional development of employees.

The Company carries out regular work to assess the current human rights situation.

Information about cases of human rights violations can be submitted by employees or other stakeholders through the following channels:

  • Written requests and reports to the managers
  • Whistleblowing hotline/grievance box
  • Office of Ombudsman
  • of the Compliance Service

The Company seeks to attract partners and counterparties for cooperation who comply with the legislation and the Company’s norms of corporate and business ethics. The Company maintains long-term partnerships only with suppliers who share and adhere to ethical principles.

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