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Kazatomprom celebrates its twentieth anniversary

14 July 2017
Kazatomprom celebrates its twentieth anniversary

Today in Central office of Kazatomprom solemn meeting dedicated to the 20th  anniversary of the Company took place. Askar Zhumagaliyev, Chairman of the Board of the Company, greeted his colleagues with congratulatory speech.

  • On July 14, 1997, The Head of State signed a decree on the creation of Kazatomprom. During this time, the company has done a great work, which results in the world leadership of Kazakhstan in the field of uranium mining. Today Kazakhstan uranium concentrate covers about 40% of needs of the world nuclear energy. We have ambitious plans in the new decade. We have realized the diversification of production, we are now to start a new plant of fuel assemblies production. All of these are the result of the dedicated service of thousands of people in the united team of Kazatomprom. This is our common success! - emphasized the head of the National Atomic Company.

In the framework of celebrating the 20th anniversary of Kazatomprom, more than 2,400 employees of subsidiaries were presented for awards.

Specialists who have made a valuable contribution to the development of the company are awarded the anniversary signs "20 years since the establishment of Kazatomprom", "Atom salasynyn uzdigi», letters of thanks and certificates of honor from the Ministry of Energy, Samruk-Kazyna Foundation, Kazenergy Association and Kazatomprom.

Celebration of the anniversary date of Kazatomprom was also held in the pavilion "World of Atomic Energy" on the territory of Astana EXPO-2017. Acrobats and musicians presented their performances to visitors, and the most active spectators received gifts from Kazatomprom.

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