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The Final of the corporate competition “Sparkling talent-2” dedicated to 20th Anniversary of Kazatomprom

1 July 2017
The Final of the corporate competition “Sparkling talent-2”  dedicated to 20th  Anniversary of Kazatomprom

On June 30th the gala concert Sparkling talent corporate competition took place in Kazmediacentre, Astana. This is now the second season of a wide-scale creative marathon with participation of talented employees of all enterprises of NAC Kazatomprom JSC.  This year the competition is held under the auspices of the 20th anniversary of the National Atomic Company.

It is worth noting that the second season of Sparkling talent drew more than 130 employees from all Kazatomprom enterprises, which is twice as much as the participants in the last year. The competition was held in four stages. The applicants were identified within the enterprise in March of this year. In the second round, the members of the star jury evaluated creativity of nuclear professionals.

The third round – online voting – took place in May, when 26,000 Kazatomprom employees joined the selection of the best performances.  

The qualifying stages comprised 100 performances of various categories as vocal, instrumental music, choreography, artistic reading and magic. The competent jury, represented by Kazakhstan pop and cinema stars – Rinat Maltsagov, a singer and finalist of Superstar.kz, Saya Orazgaliyeva, a popular actress and Aizhan Nurmagambetova,  Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the jury chairman determined the best candidates among the nuclear professionals.

Twenty finalists, who gained the maximum number of points in the online voting among employees of Kazatomprom enterprises, were shining at the gala concert. 

Lawyers, accountants, mechanics, laboratory technicians, operators and other specialists of uranium industry have managed to make a real show and demonstrate their creative talents. The winners were determined by the decision of the jury.   

The first place was awarded to Nikita Popenko from UMP JSC. Bekkali Zhurymbayev of MAEC-Kazatomprom LLP won the second place. The third prizewinner was dancing group Bakyt kusy of SMCC JV LLP. Grand Prix of the corporate contest "Sparkling talent-2" was won by Aigerim Aitbayeva of MAEK-Kazatomprom LLP. The winners were awarded with money certificates, and all participants were presented diplomas and souvenirs.

"The competition has strengthened the corporate spirit, we got an opportunity of full self-expression, and this added confidence in ourselves. Many thanks to the organizers of the contest," - says Aigerim Aitbayeva, the winner of the grand prize.

In his congratulation, Chief Business Support Officer of Kazatomprom Kairat Absattarov said: “Absolutely all participants of this competition are the winners. You carry love of art along with your professional skills and your work. I wish our team consisting of many thousands of employees, further successful development and prosperity. And this gala concert is the best gift in honor of the 20th anniversary of Kazatomprom!”

The colleagues from Kazatomprom subsidiaries turned up to support the participants. The winners of the first season "Uranovskiye Babushki" of GRE-7 of the Branch of Volkovgeology JSC were among them.

By the way, the finalists of both seasons of the contest "Sparkling talent" became real stars of their teams, and no event takes place now without their participation.

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