
Press Releases

Kazatomprom 3M and 9M20 Consolidated Financial Statements ended 30 September 2020
27 November 2020
Kazatomprom Announces Management Changes
10 November 2020
Kazatomprom 3Q20 Operations and Trading Update
2 November 2020
A competition for the best coverage of the development of the nuclear industry in Kazakhstan was announced among the media
1 October 2020
Kazatomprom's Chief Commercial Officer spoke at TD Securities Roundtable
1 October 2020
Kazatomprom 1H20 Financial Results
27 August 2020
Kazatomprom Announces 2022 Production Plans
19 August 2020
Kazatomprom Сonference Сall of 2020 Half-Year Operating and Financial Results
7 August 2020
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