Askar Zhumagaliyev, the Chief Executive Officer of NAC Kazatomprom JSC received the visit from the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Kazakhstan Gurm Bin Saeed Al Malkhan.
During the meeting, the parties have discussed the issues of bilateral cooperation in the field of nuclear and alternative energy. They have pointed out that prospects for the development of nuclear industry of Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia is of mutual interest for both countries.
Askar Zhumagaliyev told in details about the renewed development strategy of the national atomic company, establishment of low-enriched uranium bank and called for further cooperation in the sphere of nuclear energy peaceful use. The Ambassador Gurm Bin Saeed Al Malkhan has stated that Saudi Arabia showed a keen interest in the prospects for the development of mutually beneficial relations between two states.
In the end, A.Zhumagaliyev has invited the representatives of Saudi Arabian companies to participate in the specialized international exhibition “Astana EXPO-2017” which is dedicated to the theme “Energy of the Future”.