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NAC Kazatomprom JSC Chief Commercial Officer Askar Batyrbayev replied to UxC’s questions

17 January 2022
NAC Kazatomprom JSC Chief Commercial Officer Askar Batyrbayev replied to UxC’s questions

Chief Commercial Officer at NAC Kazatomprom JSC Askar Batyrbayev has recently sat down with UxConsulting – nuclear industry’s top research and analytical company. Below is a summary of his Q&A session:

         Mr. Batyrbayev shared information on the current situation in Kazakhstan, and the events that occurred in January 2022. He further discussed in detail the National Atomic Company’s response to the crisis, caused by massive unrest across the country, and the measures taken by the Company to ensure continuity of operations during the temporary “state of emergency” announced by the Government. All mining subsidiaries have been operating in a standard mode without any disruptions, whilst full security of infrastructure and personnel was ensured and the Company’s production schedule, as well as sales and delivery of uranium concentrates remained intact. In addition, Mr. Batyrbayev offered his view on the impact latest developments in Kazakhstan would have on the world’s uranium market.

         “At Kazatomprom, we have maintained that with the nuclear industry shaking the dust of stagnation off its boots - new demand is going to be inevitable and expected. To that end, we welcome new participants and their projects to join our ranks, but not at the expense of other producers with stellar reputation and a record of promptly delivering on their obligations, despite the most overwhelming odds. Global nuclear pie is growing and there will be place at the table for everyone who proves be as reliable as Kazatomprom continues to be for its customers and partners.

         Kazakhstan faced some significant challenges over the course of its independence, but no matter how hard the road had been, this nation remained a reliable source of material for the industry. The low impact of recent tragic events on our operations is a testimony to Kazatomprom commitment to our commitment to remain your dependable partner of choice” – noted Chief Commercial Officer in addition to the answers presented for the publication.

         Full article can be read in PDF format at Kazatomprom’s corporate website via following link: www.kazatomprom.kz

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