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Kazatomprom is recognized the best client of the year

4 December 2015
Kazatomprom is recognized the best client of the year

Awarding ceremony was held today within the I Forum of commodity producers of Kazakhstan “Uly Dala Yeli” with participation of the first Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev.

In 2015, “Kazatomprom” concluded contracts for the total amount of 244 bn. KZT. The share of the local content was 78%.  

In addition, the national atomic company concluded long-term contracts with the national commodity producers and suppliers of works and services for the total amount of 226,5 bn. KZT.

We should also note that “Volkovgeologiya” JSC subsidiary has become the winner in the nomination “For conclusion of the long-term contracts with the national producers”.

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