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Kazatomprom won the Grand Prix at the DAMA Kazakhstan Awards with the “Integrated Planning System” project.

30 November 2022
Kazatomprom won the Grand Prix at the DAMA Kazakhstan Awards with the “Integrated Planning System” project.

The winners were announced on November 24 at the “Data as an Asset” Forum hosted by DAMA Kazakhstan, the official representative of DAMA International in Kazakhstan. It is a non-profit, vendor-independent, global association of technical and business professionals dedicated to promoting the concepts and practices of information and data management throughout Kazakhstan.

The project of Kazatomprom “Integrated Planning System” (IPS) attracted the attention of the tender committee by achieving the goals of managing the efficiency of the production activities of the nuclear holding enterprises based on high-quality data using predictive analytics.

The integrated planning system is an analytical solution in the management of the medium-term planning and production program of the company. The purpose of the system introduction is to reduce the time for preparing the company's business plans at the level of mining enterprises and their consolidation at the level of the corporate center, as well as the formation of alternative options for the company's development using data tools science and mathematical models.

At present, the Integrated Planning System has been introduced at 6 out of 13 subsidiaries of Kazatomprom .  IPS feature in the nuclear holding is that it digitizes the full cycle of uranium production, from drilling to production, which allows to simulate any situation that may arise in the future.

Results of the IPS project implementation:

- formation of a production program for a five-year period;

- formation of business plans for subsidiaries included in the perimeter of the project;

- formation of mid-term consolidated financial statements;

- creation of various scenarios and their analysis.

Thus, if earlier the adjustment of Kazatomprom 's business plans in terms of exchange rates and spot prices at the level of subsidiaries and affiliates took about 10 days, now it takes no more than 1 day. Previously, the mining plan was drawn up only for the planned year, now - for the entire medium-term period (5 years). The timeframe for consolidating a business plan at the corporate center level has been reduced from 14 days to 1 day. In addition, system integration of mining plans and business plans was carried out to ensure data consistency and reduce technical errors when manually transferring production indicators to business plans.

The victory in the DAMA Kazakhstan Awards will allow the IPS team to speak to the entire EMEA economic region in Bologna, representing Kazakhstan, and present their project.

See more details about the IPS project, its goals and objectives in an interview with Oksana Zaitseva, Economic Analysis Director of Kazatomprom.

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