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The results of Kazatomprom’s Q1 production 2015

20 April 2015
The results of Kazatomprom’s Q1 production 2015

According to the results of Q1 of 2015 the volume of uranium production in Kazakhstan (excluding - SMCC) amounted to 5,334 tons, which corresponds to the planned targets.

The volume of uranium production of JSC “NAC “Kazatomprom”, including shares in subsidiaries and affiliates, for Q1 of 2015 amounted to 2,898 tons.

JSC "Ulba Metallurgical Plant" in the first quarter of this year produced  404,054 tons of beryllium products, 30.08 tons of  tantalum products and 14,672 tons of niobium products.

"MAEK-Kazatomprom" for consumers of Aktau and Mangistau region for January-March of 2015 produced 1, 293.5 mln kWh of electricity, 1,184 thousand Gcal of heat energy and 284 million cubic meter of water, including 2.35 million cubic meter of drinking water. These figures cover the region's energy and water needs.

For the reporting period JSC "Center of uranium enrichment" has provided uranium enrichment services in the amount of 571,717 SWU (separative work units).

In accordance with the program for development of JSC "NAC" Kazatomprom " in the first quarter Company has continued work on the strategic directions of the Company's conversion, enrichment and production of nuclear fuel.

JV «SARECO» in the Q1 produced 67 tons of bulk concentrate of rare-earth metals (REM).

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