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President named the opening date of Low Enriched Uranium Bank in Kazakhstan

3 July 2017
President named the opening date of Low Enriched Uranium Bank in Kazakhstan

ASTANA. KAZINFORM Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev named the opening date of the Low Enriched Uranium Bank in Kazakhstan, Kazinform correspondent reports.

"Instability and tensions on the international scene confirm the urgency of Kazakhstan's call to make building a nuclear-weapons-free world the main goal of mankind in the 21st century. Our country is ready to make its contribution to this movement. On August 29 of this year, on the International Day Against Nuclear Tests, we planned to hold the jubilee session of the Pugwash movement of scientists on nuclear disarmament dedicated to its 60th anniversary in Astana. On this day, the ceremony of opening of the first IAEA Low Enriched Uranium Bank on the territory of Kazakhstan will take place. On the same day, the first Kazakhstan's prize for nuclear disarmament will be awarded," the President said at a meeting with heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Kazakhstan.

The Pugwash movement of scientists is one of the oldest and leading international non-governmental scientific organizations in the field of security, disarmament and scientific cooperation. The history of this organization began in 1955 when the Russell-Einstein Manifesto was issued in London on 9 July 1955 and signed by 11 eminent scientists.

As it was previously reported, in August 2015 in Astana, an agreement was signed between the government of Kazakhstan and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on the establishment of a low enriched uranium bank in the country.


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