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Technical meeting of IAEA International Coordination group for uranium legacy sites

12 June 2017
Technical meeting of IAEA International Coordination group for uranium legacy sites

Technical meeting of IAEA International Coordination group for uranium legacy sites (CGULS) took place in Almaty. The meeting was organized by IAEA, Committee of development of nuclear and energy projects of Ministry of energy of RoK and NAC Kazatomprom JSC.

Representatives from eleven States (Czech Republic, France, Germany, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, United Kingdom, Ukraine and Turkmenistan) and representatives of IAEA, EBRD, UNDP, OSCE, European Commission and other international organizations attended the event.

Experts discussed strategical master plan for environmental rehabilitation of the facilities of the former uranium production, presented by IAEA. In addition, issues of organization, carrying out and methodology of remediation and reclamation of former uranium objects of the participating countries  were considered.

During the meeting Participants acquainted with overview of the work carried out by the IAEA, the EBRD and Interstate target program "Reclamation of territories of Eurasec member states impacted by uranium mining enterprises".

Representatives of the IAEA and Germany told about the methods and equipment used for radiation and environmental monitoring.

Participants exchanged views and ideas on the uranium legacy during the meeting. Conclusions on the speakers’ speeches and the results of the meeting will be posted on the IAEA website.

Meeting of IAEA International Coordination group takes place annually in the member countries of the group.

This year Kazakhstan became the host country. Manas Iskakov, Acting Director of Department of Labor and environmental Protection of NAC Kazatomprom JSC was a chairperson of the event. The next meeting of the IAEA team will take place in Uzbekistan, in 2018.

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