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ANNOUNCEMENT: The XI International Scientific Conference “Development of the Uranium and Rare Metals Industry”

5 October 2023
ANNOUNCEMENT: The XI International Scientific Conference “Development of the Uranium and Rare Metals Industry”

The XI International Scientific Conference “Development of the Uranium and Rare Metals Industry” will be held in Almaty on 16-18 May 2024.

The Republic of Kazakhstan, represented by the National Atomic Company Kazatomprom, opens wide opportunities for cooperation in the field of safe development of nuclear energy to its partners in different countries of the world, profoundly works to mobilize, effectively use and build up the existing mineral, raw material, technological, intellectual and economic potential industry.

The purpose of the conference is to promote scientific and technical integration of nuclear industry companies around the world .

At the upcoming conference, current issues of the nuclear industry will be discussed in seven main sections:

Section 1. Geology, geotechnology and mining preparation works

Section 2. Uranium mining and processing technology

Section 3. Technologies and current problems of the pre -reactor nuclear fuel cycle.

Section 4. Resources and effective technologies for the production of rare, rare-earth metals and high-tech products based on them

Section 5. Safe operation of nuclear industry enterprises and technogenic waste management, industrial safety management

Section 6. Sustainable development issues including environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG), legal, macroeconomic and educational aspects of the nuclear industry

Section 7. Digitalization , automation and robotization in the nuclear industry

Important dates:

10 April 2024 - deadline for accepting applications for participation in the conference and texts of reports (in MS Word format) for the collection

5 May 2024 - deadline for accepting presentations (in MS Power Point format)

More detailed information about the rules of participation and requirements for abstracts is here

Fill out the application for participation.

For questions related to the conference:

Nikita Veretelnikov, Chief Manager of the Department of Scientific and Technical Projects

Tel.: +7 (7172) 45 80 42 ext. 10337

Email : nveretelnikov@kazatomprom.kz  


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