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Bozumbayev specified the date of opening of IAEA Low Enriched Uranium Bank in Kazakhstan

10 April 2017
Bozumbayev specified the date of opening of IAEA Low Enriched Uranium Bank in Kazakhstan

According to the minister, construction of the unique facility is on the completion stage.

IAEA Low Enriched Uranium Bank will open in Kazakhstan next August. Minister of Energy of RK Kanat Bozumbayev announced this during the government hour in the Mazhilis devoted to uranium industry development, correspondent of Kazpravda.kz noted.

By the minister, construction of the unique facility is under the completion stage.

“There are no analogues of this project in the world. Low enriched uranium bank is established under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency in order to provide guaranteed supplies of nuclear fuel to nuclear power plants of the states – IAEA members - and is the storage for low enriched uranium which is the primary material for production of fuel for NPPs. Currently, construction and installation works on LEU bank are under the completion stage and this August it is planned to open it with participation of the head of IAEA and the President of our country”, - Kanat Bozumbayev informed.

Also, the Head of the Ministry of Energy told that since 2014, “Kazatomprom” NAC” JSC and Chinese General Nuclear Power Corporation initiated work on organization of joint production of nuclear fuel for Chinese NPPs in Kazakhstan.

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