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Digital technologies and solutions in the nuclear industry were presented at the XI Eurasian Forum KAZENERGY

8 September 2017
Digital technologies and solutions in the nuclear industry were presented at the XI Eurasian Forum KAZENERGY

Today in Astana the XI Eurasian Forum KAZENERGY hosted a special session “New technologies and solutions in the nuclear industry: implementation of digital technologies”. The session was chaired by Transformation and Special Projects Managing Director of the Sovereign Wealth Fund Samruk-Kazyna Adamas Ilkevicius. Representatives of international companies, experts and professionals of nuclear industry took part the event.  

Miras Kassymov, Acting Chief Transformation and HR Policy Officer of JSC NAC Kazatomprom presented a report about digital solutions for business. According to M.Kassymov, currently Kazatomprom, as part of its Transformation program, implements a number of industrial process digitalization and robotization projects, including: technologies of augmented reality/3D, the automated technological process control system, SAP ERP system, the Situational center, loading line robotization, as well as the Digital Mine, which is the flagship of the Company’s digitalization projects.


“The Digital Mine is the basis that will serve to implement a complex of various systems at our production facilities, which in fact represents Industry 4.0. They’re additive technologies, augmented reality, big data and much more. The project has already passed the first pilot stage at Kazatomprom SaUran. We plan that 2018-2019 years will be the period of active implementation of the system at all mining enterprises of the Company," - Miras Kasymov said.

Since the introduction, the Digital Mine project presented a number of effects, in particular, the time for diagnosing equipment was reduced from 14 to 2 days, the time of reduced well productivity was decreased threefold, in addition, the potential for reducing electricity consumption by 10% was identified, and the time required to prepare a report was reduced.

XI Eurasian Forum KAZENERGY this year is dedicated to "Securing the Future of Energy". Representatives of the major international organizations, as well as transnational oil and gas and energy companies took part in the event. The Forum program is aimed at discussion of issues and problems with effective management of sustainable energy sources, production control, energy resources storage and use, etc. by the global energy companies.

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