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Kazatomprom adopts a system of competitive selection of the personnel

1 February 2016
Kazatomprom adopts a system of competitive selection of the personnel

As part of the Transformation program as well as to the principles of  transparency and credibility during enrollment process Kazatomprom adopted a new system of competitive selection of personnel.

Starting 2016 hiring of personnel will be executed exclusively in accordance with Rules of competitive selection, designed in accordance with the best international practices and modern requirements in the field of HR management.

  An information on all vacant positions will be regularly posted on the company’s website so that every citizen of Kazakhstan who has appropriate skills and qualifications can apply for enrollment. This open competition will help us to find best specialists, said director for human capital management L. Kozhakhmetova.

A mandatory procedure is to examine professional knowledge of the candidate. Upon successful completion of testing, a candidate is admitted to a face to face interview.

The selection of candidates for vacant positions will be carried out by special competition commission, which will evaluate a potential employee. The final decision will be  taken by Chairman of the Board of JSC "NAC" Kazatomprom" based on the recommendations of the Selection Committee.


NAC KAZATOMPROM JSC is a national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan for export of uranium and its compounds, rare metals, nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants, special equipment, technologies and dual-use materials. The Company’s main activities include geological exploration, uranium production, output of nuclear fuel cycle products, production of construction materials, power industry, science, social welfare and personnel training. Kazatomprom is an active participant of the program for renewable energy development in the Republic of Kazakhstan. At present, over 28,000 people are employed by the Company. Kazatomprom is one of the top uranium world producers.


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