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IAEA published the agreement with Kazakhstan on LEU bank establishment

27 March 2017
IAEA published the agreement with Kazakhstan on LEU bank establishment

IAEA published the text of the agreement with the Republic of Kazakhstan on establishment of LEU bank in the territory of Kazakhstan. The text is published as the document INFCIRC/916.

The agreement was approved by the management board of IAEA on June 11, 2015 and was signed in Astana on August 27, 2015.

In accordance with the terms and conditions, the agreement entered into force on January 31, 2017 after getting the last required written notification by the diplomacy channels.

LEU bank will store IAEA’s low enriched uranium in the form of hexafluoride with enrichment of up to 4,95%.

Maximum amount of LEU stored in the bank is defined as 60 full containers 30V (or their future modifications). Although the agreement does not specify this, such amount of filled containers includes about 90 tons of LEU.

The agreement provides clear information that uranium stored in the bank belongs to IAEA, and namely the atomic agency defines its application.

IAEA undertakes the significant part of incomes for the bank filling and content.

Kazakhstan will also have to pay – for example, to pay costs connected with the fact that the bank is under the guarantees of IAEA. If Kazakhstan decides to change the bank platform (now it is Ulba Metallurgical plant), then the movement will be performed at its own expense.

The obligations of Kazakhstan include provision of the bank with required infrastructure – electricity, drainage, postal services, reliable telecommunication, high-speed Internet. Removal of snow from the entrance roads, response in emergency situations also shall be undertaken by Kazakhstan, the agency will provide only “reasonable cooperation”.

Bank security will be performed by Kazakhstan. In turn, IAEA will install equipment for video surveillance in the bank.

Access to bank will be strictly limited. Mainly, access to it will be provided for the IAEA and UN representatives.

Of course, the relevant technical agreement will provide exclusions required for the work of operating organization of the bank, the role of which will be undertaken by UMP.



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