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Public hearings on the refinery project

14 February 2023
Public hearings on the refinery project

On February 6, public hearings were held in Ust-Kamenogorsk to assess the environmental impact of the project "Building 600. Reconstruction. Refining production of uranium oxide with a capacity of 6,000 tons of U per year. East Kazakhstan region, Ust-Kamenogorsk, UMP JSC (a subsidiary of NAC Kazatomprom JSC). Northern site".

The hearings were attended by 40 representatives of local government agencies, the public (local residents and community workers), the Ulba Metallurgical Plant, and the media.

          The goal of the project is to create one of the links of the nuclear fuel cycle in Kazakhstan - natural uranium refining, which is a preliminary stage to the creation of the next link - conversion. The project also aims to introduce new advanced technologies for the production of nuclear fuel, taking into account global environmental and energy saving standards, and to improve the environmental situation in the region by eliminating the discharge of liquid radioactive waste and reducing the consumption of hazardous chemicals.

According to the project's environmental impact assessment report, the establishment of the refinery will reduce the generation of liquid and solid radioactive waste, as well as ammonia vapor emissions into the atmosphere.

There were 9 questions and comments from members of the public, which were discussed and agreed upon. The impact of the project on the environment was assessed as permissible.

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