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The group of young employees of Kazatomprom company have visited enterprises of the AREVA company in France

20 April 2017
The group of young employees of Kazatomprom company have visited enterprises of the AREVA company in France

The group of young employees of Kazatomprom company have visited enterprises of the AREVA Inc company in France. AREVA Inc is one of the few companies that participates in all parts of the nuclear fuel cycle.

In a week our colleagues have visited half the country and have personally seen practically all stages of  nuclear fuel cycle on French enterprises. Specialists have got acquainted with the plants on processing of the spent nuclear fuel, on production of the equipment for the NPP, nuclear fuel, concentration and conversion of uranium, and also the plant on production of MOX fuel.

-This exchange of experience stimulates young professionals to generate new ideas, improvement  proposals and inventions. Compactness of technological lines was pleasant, everything is provided in details over. Processes are monitored by computers. In some shops there are no people at all, there don't come needlessly. On some objects workers are without protective masks, thus let know, how safely modern uranium production. And, in order to prove ecological compatibility, ponds where ducks are swimming, rabbits and muskrats are building right on the territories of factories, - says Yeldos Yarmukhamedov, manager of the project department of the NFC of Kazatomprom.

photo https://www.facebook.com/kazatomprom.kz/


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