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22 June 2023

NAC Kazatomprom JSC (hereinafter - "Kazatomprom" or the "Company") informs you that on June 19 of this year there was a release of sulfuric acid during repair work at the sulfuric acid production site due to spontaneous connection of one of the pumps because of power outages in SKZ-U LLP in Kyzylorda region.

As a result of the incident, two mechanical fitters who were carrying out repairs suffered chemical burns. Medical workers of SKZ-U LLP immediately provided first aid to the injured at the scene. Being examined by doctors, one of the workers refused hospitalization. The second worker, who received a significant chemical burn of the body, was taken to the Zhanakorgan district hospital, after which SKZ-U provided transportation by reanimobile to a specialized burn center in Shymkent, where he is currently receiving treatment.

The General Director of SKZ-U LLP visited the injured colleague and discussed his state of health with the head physician of the hospital. The employee is under the constant supervision of doctors, and is also provided with all necessary medicines. The enterprise provides comprehensive assistance and support to the injured and his family.

The authorized state bodies were immediately notified about the incident. A special commission, headed by the state labor inspector, will investigate the incident.

The situation is being controlled by the management of SKZ-U LLP and Kazatomprom.


For more information, you can contact:

Kazatomprom Public Relations and Media Inquiries

Sabina Kumurbekova, PR Director

Gazhaiyp Kumisbek, Chief Expert of the PR Department

Tel.: +7 7172 45 80 22

Email: pr@kazatomprom.kz

Kazatomprom Investor Relations Inquiries

Yerlan Magzumov, IR Director

Tel.: +7 7172 45 81 80 / 69

Email: ir@kazatomprom.kz

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