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Press release Kazatomprom plans to cooperate with the American nuclear energy company

21 October 2015
Press release Kazatomprom plans to cooperate with the American nuclear energy company

In the course of the visit to the United States of America, the CEO of NAC Kazatomprom JSC Askar Zhumagaliyev and the Senior Vice-President of Centrus Energy Corp. Kevin Alldred signed a memorandum of cooperation.

The document sets the key terms of cooperation for two companies in the nuclear field. The memorandum specifies the development of mutually beneficial relations on competitive supplies of Kazakhstanш uranium to the world market. 

Centrus Energy Corp. is the main supplier of fuel for the American industrial nuclear power plants.

During the trip, Askar Zhumagaliyev is planning to meet with the top management of the world’s largest nuclear energy companies, the President and CEO of Westinghouse Electric Company Danny Roderick and the President of Cameco Tim Gitzel. The Head of Kazatomprom will discuss the current situation of the industry, joint projects implementation and the relevant issues of cooperation. Afterwards,  Askar Zhumagaliyev will invite business partners to take part in the International exhibition «Astana EXPO-2017» that will focus on «Future Energy».

In the framework of the trip, the head of Kazatomprom will hold a number of business meetings with the representatives of the companies engaged in nuclear energy sector. He will also visit the nuclear reactor, which is under construction now to be acquainted with the work of the Westinghouse’s plant on fuel assemblies production.  


Kazatomprom is the national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan for export of uranium and its compounds, rare metals, nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants, special purpose equipment, technologies and double-use materials. The main activities of the company are: geological exploration, uranium production, manufacture of nuclear fuel cycle products, reactor construction, nuclear power plants, production of construction materials, the electric energy sector, science, social security and personnel training. Kazatomprom is an active participant of the renewable energy development program in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today Kazatomprom has more than 27,000 employees and is amongst the leading uranium producing companies in the world.

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