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Press release Opening of Summer School 2015

23 June 2015
Press release Opening of Summer School 2015

On 22 June, 2015, on the coast of Issyk-Kul lake (Kyrgyzstan) there was opening of the XI Summer School for employees of NAC Kazatomprom.

Over 50 representatives of subsidiaries of the national company will take part in the annual event. Young specialists and researchers of Kazatomprom’s enterprises will get new knowledge and management skills, learn and improve their qualification, develop spirit of corporate solidarity in the Summer School.

During this event it is also planned to sum up the results and award the winners of innovation and research project competition among company’s employees, to have sporting events and trainings in personal and communication skills.

At the end of the Summer School 2015 all participants will be awarded the certificates and the winning team will be awarded the gifts and the Cup.

The event is organized by the corporate university of NAC Kazatomprom – Kazakhstan Nuclear University LLP.  


Kazakhstan Nuclear University LLP – is a specialized center for professional training and retraining of Kazatomprom personnel. It was registered in September, 2004. It is aimed at meeting the needs of Kazatomprom enterprises in qualified specialists, trained subject to specificity of nuclear industry, and at providing the continuous process of personnel development..



Kazatomprom is the national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan for export of uranium and its compounds, rare metals, nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants, special purpose equipment, technologies and double-use materials. The main activities of the company are: geological exploration, uranium production, manufacture of nuclear fuel cycle products, reactor construction, nuclear power plants, production of construction materials, the electric energy sector, science, social security and personnel training. Kazatomprom is an active participant of the renewable energy development program in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today Kazatomprom has more than 27,000 employees and is amongst the leading uranium producing companies in the world


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