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Kazatomprom representative wins international IAEA competition

10 May 2023
Kazatomprom representative wins international IAEA competition

Daniyar Ashimov, chief manager of Kazatomprom's Marketing Department, won an international essay contest organized by the IAEA.

A creative work of a Kazakhstani expert on "Ways to Remove Obstacles in the Nuclear Industry" was recognized as the best among 35 scientific essays.

The young Kazatomprom specialist was invited to the international symposium "Uranium Raw Material for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle" (URAM-2023), which takes place from May 8 to 12 in Vienna, Austria, to present his essay.

During the event, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi presented Daniyar Ashimov with the certificate of the winner of the essay contest. 

Daniyar Ashimov graduated in 2016 from Purdue University (USA) with a Bachelor's degree in Nuclear Engineering. He has various scientific publications and certificates in the field of nuclear energy.

Daniyar Ashimov started his career in 2016 as an engineer at the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He joined Kazatomprom in May 2017 as manager of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Projects Department, and since 2022 he has been the chief manager of the Marketing Department.

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