On March 26, 2015 one of the distinguished and public figure, a well-known politician and entrepreneur, patron of arts, former minister of environmental protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a prominent representative of a new formation of young policy-makers of the country, Chairman of the Board JSC “NAC “Kazatomprom” Nurlan D. Kapparov died suddenly at the age of 44.
Nurlan Kapparov was born on March 30, 1970 in Almaty. He is a graduate of Republican Specialized Physics and Mathematics Secondary Boarding School named after O. Zhautykov. After completing Almaty Technological Institute in 1997, he earned a master’s degree in public administration from Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge.
In the 90s, Nurlan Kapparov founded and headed “Accept” corporation. From 1997 to 1999 he was the Chief Executive of the national company “KazTransOil” and oil and gas company “Kazakhoil”. From 1999 to 2001 he worked as Vice-minister for energy, industry and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the following years he has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC «Lancaster Group Kazakhstan». In 2012 Nurlan Kapparov was appointed as Minister of environmental protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In August 7, 2014 he was assigned as the Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors of JSC “NAC “Kazatomprom”.
For distinguished services to the country, Nurlan Kapparov has been honored with numerous awards, medals and certificates of merit from the Head of State and Prime-Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was awarded the Order «Kurmet».
In 2005 Nurlan Kapparov established a charitable social fund “Zhambyl” that provides charity and social support to gifted children and children with special needs and from low-income families from rural areas of the country.
Nurlan Dzhambulovich was a high profile professional, efficient leader and successful entrepreneur who implemented a number of projects and had the vast amount of experience in managing private and public assets.
In a recent years, as the Minister of environment and water resources he initiated implementation of the concept on transition of Kazakhstan to a “green” economy, where careful attention was given to ecological, environmental protection and resource and energy efficiency issues
Joining Kazatomprom, Nurlan Dzhambulovich gave new impetus towards developing nuclear industry in the country, setting a task on establishing of a complete nuclear cycle company.
Kazatomprom staff will remember Nurlan Dzhambulovich as a talented and literate leader, partial to the interests and aspirations of his colleagues, good and responsive person. He was committed to his work and served faithfully to the benefit of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
We express our deep condolences to Nurlan D. Kapparov’s family, relatives and children, to whom he was loving husband, attentive farther and a son.
This is a grievous loss for the whole Kazakhstan!
Eternal and cherished memory of Nurlan Dzhambulovich Kapparov will live in our hearts forever!
JSC “NAC “Kazatomprom” team
Union of employees of nuclear industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan