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Press-release Waste management system establishing meeting

24 July 2015
Press-release Waste management system establishing meeting

In order to improve ecological situation in the regions on July 24, 2015 in Astana “NAC “Kazatomprom” JSC held a corporate meeting “On integrated approach to establishing of waste management system at nuclear industry enterprises under the development of “green economy”.

The meeting was attended by the national atomic company’s management, representatives of Kazatomprom’s subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as of Ministry of energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Dauren Kunanbayev, Managing director for production of  “NAC “Kazatomprom” JSC in his welcoming remarks noted that most waste, generated at Holding’s enterprises is low-toxic and categorized as least deleterious 4th and 5th class. Volume of radioactive waste, generated by the Company is about 0,03 % of the total waste, annually generated at the enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the IAEA classification, radioactive wastes refer to low-level radioactive wastes with specific activity under 10 kBq/kg.

Kannat  Mussaparbekov, Director of Health, Safety and Environment Department of “NAC ‘Kazatomprom” JSC made a brief account of integrated approach in establishing of waste management system in nuclear industry under the development of “green economy”.

He noted in his report that recovery and recycling of production waste, is of great importance in solving environmental problems as well as in rational resource consumption.

Participants of the meeting also discussed the draft Action plan on integrated approach in establishing waste management system in “NAC “Kazatomprom” JSC for 2016-2020. Some corporate standards in waste management system will be designed under this document, as well as measures to improve safety level for handling of production waste.

NAC Kazatomprom JSC is the national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan for export of uranium and its compounds, rare metals, nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants, special purpose equipment, technologies and double-use materials. The main activities of the company are: geological exploration, uranium production, manufacture of nuclear fuel cycle products, reactor construction, nuclear power plants, production of construction materials, the electric energy sector, scientific support of production and social welfare and training of personnel. Kazatomprom is an active participant of renewable energy development program in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today Kazatomprom has more than 27,000 employees and is amongst the leading uranium production companies in the world.


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