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More than KZT 6 bln. appropriated Kazatomprom in 2015 on occupational health and safety

18 March 2016
More than KZT 6 bln. appropriated Kazatomprom in 2015 on occupational health and safety

The meeting on health and environmental, industrial, radiation and nuclear safety in Kazatomprom’s subsidiaries and affiliates was held today in Astana.

Head of the national company Askar Zhumagaliyev, executives of enterprises and representatives of state bodies attended the meeting. 

The company pays great attention to industrial safety. Natural uranium is extracted at all enterprises using ecologically sound and cost-effective in-situ leaching method. Currently 25 Kazatomprom’s subsidiaries and affiliates meet international standards by introducing environmental management system ISO 14001 and occupational safety and health management system OHSAS 18001.

The work on systematic improvement of occupational and industrial safety is conducted at the enterprises. Employees are provided with protective clothing and personal protective equipment. Generally, in 2015 national atomic company has allocated more than five billion tenge to occupational health and safety measures.

The whole production operation at Kazatomprom enterprises is carried out meeting the existent nuclear and radiation safety requirements according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  Last year maximum annual effective dose of Group A personnel of the company’s enterprises, was reduced almost twice. Radiation accidents and exceeds of annual dose limits, established by health standards, were not registered at enterprises.

In 2015 Kazatomprom has spent more than KZT 1,3 bln. to environment protection measures.

Following the results of the meeting, the winners of an annual contest, held among Kazatomprom’s subsidiaries and affiliates, that have shown best results in occupational, environmental, industrial, radiation and nuclear safety, were awarded.

NAC Kazatomprom JSC is the national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan for export of uranium and its compounds, rare metals, nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants, special purpose equipment, technologies and double-use materials. The main activities of the company are: geological exploration, uranium production, manufacture of nuclear fuel cycle products, reactor construction, nuclear power plants, production of construction materials, the electric energy sector, scientific support of production and social welfare and training of personnel. Kazatomprom is an active participant of renewable energy development program in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today Kazatomprom has more than 27,000 employees and is amongst the leading uranium production companies in the world.


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