International research and practical conference, dedicated to contemporary issues of the uranium industry took place in Astana. The event, attended by about 200 participants from 14 countries among them representatives of large companies of the nuclear industry as Uranium One, Areva, Eurasia Energy Holdings, International project Halden Reactor and others.
The Chief officer for production Baurzhan Ibraev made welcome address on behalf of the Chairman of the board of NAC Kazatomprom JSC Askar Zhumagaliyev.
“The conference is held in the period of important global challenges in the fields of providing humanity with the necessary volume and quality of energy. Kazakhstan is an energy supply country according to the general energy balance of generating capacities and potentially available energy sources on our territory. Our country is a reliable and responsible supplier of energy resources to the world market. At the Astana EXPO-2017 exhibition, Kazakhstan drew the attention of the entire world community to the problems of effective use of energy resources, to stimulate the development of renewable and alternative energy sources, including nuclear power. Kazakhstan natural uranium is ready to serve the interests of peaceful atom in the future,” - Askar Zhumagaliyev emphasized in his letter.
The solution of important tasks of the uranium industry requires broad international cooperation in the fields of science and technology. Currently, Kazatomprom is actively introducing a number of high-tech solutions in the field of automatisation, digitalization and robotization of production, including Digital Mine, ERP, robotic complex and others. One of the advanced leading projects is the Mobile Complex for the development of local deposits with small uranium reserves, which allows to significantly reduce the company's capital expenditures and increase production efficiency.
“Today in operation there is one mobile complex, which has been operating for four years. This month we launch the next one. In general, we plan to expand the capabilities of the mobile complex. First, translate it into a year-round mode of operation. We want to expand its functions and use it for extracting rare and rare-earth elements. This project has already aroused great interest among our foreign colleagues", - Baurzhan Ibraev said during his presentation about Kazatomprom's activities.
The word trend in the development of nuclear and uranium industry calls for the integration of world nuclear companies, scientists and highly qualified specialists in the nuclear and uranium industry in the scientific and technical sphere.
For this purpose NAC Kazatomprom JSC conducts International research and practical conference «Contemporary issues of uranium mining industry» once every two years.
The main issue of current, eighth Conference is to provide scientific workers and production specialists with a platform for discussing topical scientific and technological problems and their solutions with a view to sustainable development of enterprises of the nuclear industry in Kazakhstan and other countries.
Key topics for discussions during the conference sessions - the extension and strengthening of the uranium mineral resource base, modern methods of its forecasting and intelligence, issues of efficiency and intensification of in-situ recovery technology, technology and actual problems of front-end nuclear fuel cycle - conversion of nuclear production fuel, resources and efficient production technology of rare earth metals and high-tech products based on them, as well as a safe operation of the nuclear industry and man-made waste management and more.
VIII International research and practical conference «Contemporary issues of uranium mining industry» will last from August 3 to 5 2017.