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Sustainable development

Human Capital

Employees play a key role in production processes and they are the main driver of success at Kazatomprom. The Company strives to maintain comfortable working conditions and provide career advancement opportunities for all employees, and to build open and transparent internal relationships.

Continuous improvement of working conditions, social support, career growth and professional development opportunities, and the attention to each employee’s interests and needs, are a high priority for the Company in its approache to building the management system, particularly staff and social policy.

Kazatomprom’s HR Policy 2018-2028 is one of the most important tools for achieving the strategic goals of the Company. It is designed to motivate employees, achieve high labour efficiency with due regard to employee interests and capabilities, and stimulate the active engagement of personnel in the Company’s activities.

The Company adheres to the principle of non-discrimination and constantly monitors the staffing structure according to both gender and age.

The key principles in relations between Kazatomprom and its employees are the protection of human rights, social partnership, mutual respect, trust in each other, as well as the prevention of any discrimination. The Company prohibits any restriction of employees’ labour rights and freedoms, or any limitations on benefits and advantages on the grounds of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, or on property, family, social and official status, age, place of residence, religion, beliefs, affiliation/non-affiliation with any public association or social group, or other circumstances not related to the employee’s professional qualities.

More than 20,000 peopleKazatomprom employs accross its headquarters, joint operations, ventures and affiliates

Social support

In accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreements, enterprises of Kazatomprom provide social support for personnel aimed at continuous improvement of working conditions and the quality of life of employees. The companies also make annual payments to the trade union in order to support its activities and provide support to workers - members of the trade union make up 95% of the number of collectives of enterprises.

A special directive in the social policy of Kazatomprom is to support certain categories of employees: single parents, representatives of large families, parents of disabled children, as well as non-working pensioners upon termination of their employment contract. For the Children's Day, single parents and mothers of three or more children under the age of 12 are provided with financial assistance and provide additional paid holidays.

The Company provides medical care and additional financial assistance on special occasions and holidays for non-working pensioners, upon termination of employment due to retirement or disability.

Significant dates for employees are also recognized by the companies, including annversaries (50, 60 years), for the birth of children, for marriage, and for the death of family members. Financial assistance is provided to employees and additional paid leave is provided. It is guaranteed that when providing annual paid labor leave, employees are paid financial assistance from employers.

In addition, the employer conducts activities for employees to improve financial literacy: master classes, speeches by experts, publication of articles in corporate media. Measures are being taken to improve the safety of workplaces and improve social and living conditions at production facilities and in the shift camps of subsidiaries and affiliates: repairing premises, improving the equipment of workplaces, leisure places, gyms.

Staff Development

To maximize the professional potential of each employee, the HR policy of Kazatomprom provides conditions for continuous training and development of personnel competencies. The Company has procedures for assessing each employee’s professional, personal, business and managerial qualities based on an analysis of the collective and individual activities, which determine the needs for training and further career opportunities. As a result, development and/or corrective plans are created with levels of responsibilities and changes to remuneration made accordingly.

Education and Science
Leadership Development Programme
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